Addington School

Be Outdoors


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Try the fun animal related peanut roll games. The peanut roll is great for self regulation, building body and limb strength. Enjoy. The P.E team

Try the fun animal related peanut roll games. The peanut roll is great for self regulation, building body and limb strength. Enjoy. The P.E team

Nutty Squirrel - scatter lots of objects around the garden or house. On GO gather each item one by one and bring it to a central collection area (just like a Squirrel gathering nuts). You could have a competition with someone else or time how quickly you can gather them to a central spot. Enjoy. The P.E Team.

Berkshire Virtual School Games - Invictus Challenge which celebrates both the Paralympic and Olympic Games through Goalball, Boccia and Wheelchair Basketball themed challenges. We are all inspired by the athletes that take part in these events so now is the chance to have a go at some of the sports!

Click on the following link to access all three sports: https://getberkshireactive.org/uploads/berkshire-virtual-school-games-activity-card-invictus-challenge.pdf?v=1593709341

Feed the animals - Print up or draw different animals. Place them on a wall at different heights and throw and aim a ball/beanbag/sock at them scoring different points. Enjoy and try to score lots of points. The P.E Team

Berkshire Virtual School Games - Invictus Challenge which celebrates both the Paralympic and Olympic Games through Goalball, Boccia and Wheelchair Basketball themed challenges. We are all inspired by the athletes that take part in these events so now is the chance to have a go at some of the sports!

Click on the following link to access all three sports: https://getberkshireactive.org/uploads/berkshire-virtual-school-games-activity-card-invictus-challenge.pdf?v=1593709341

How high can you jump - Draw or print out pictures if animals and place them at different heights on a wall. Stand along side them and jump up vertically to see if you can touch the picture and score the allocated point. See how many points you can score. Good luck. The P.E Team

Berkshire Virtual School Games - Invictus Challenge which celebrates both the Paralympic and Olympic Games through Goalball, Boccia and Wheelchair Basketball themed challenges. We are all inspired by the athletes that take part in these events so now is the chance to have a go at some of the sports!

Click on the following link to access all three sports: https://getberkshireactive.org/uploads/berkshire-virtual-school-games-activity-card-invictus-challenge.pdf?v=1593709341

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