Addington School

What's your Story?

This week's theme is ..... Blue

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Millie the Mermaid who couldn't swim - A sensory story by Pete Wells

The story and props list and symbols are all in the PDF below. Enjoy!

 Millie Characters.pdfDownload
 Millie the Mermaid who couldn't Swim.pdfDownload
 Suggested props Millie the mermaid.pdfDownload
 Symbols for PECS.pdfDownload
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Check out this YouTube Singing Hands Makaton video on colours and sing along!


Listen to the The Blue Balloon story read by Shannon and have a go at learning the Makaton signs!

Please find extension activities below relating to 'The Blue Balloon' story:

  • Practice mark-making and pencil control using the blue balloon pencil control PDF
  • Why not create story stones to retell the story using the PDF below.
  • Can you remember or recall the story? Use the sequencing cards to help you.
 blue balloon pencil control activity.pdfDownload
 blue balloon story stones.pdfDownload
 sequencing cards.pdfDownload
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Listen to the story, then try the activities below by clicking on the story work. There is also a story map example to show you how to do one of your own! Post us some photos of your work on Earwig! We would love to see them!!

Need help? See the guides at the bottom of the page, or email us on: homelearning@addington.wokingham.sch.uk

 Adventurers story work why is the sky blue.pdfDownload
 Why is the sky blue- Story map.pdfDownload
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Click on these links below for daily Phonics lessons on You Tube

click on this link for Intro to phonics 


click on this link for Next stage phonics


click on this link for More advanced phonics


Here is a newspaper article to read on 'Blue screen use' with some work. Let us know how you get on!

 Limiting screen use for one week may improve teenagers.pdfDownload
 Read the article from the Guardian newspaper about sleep.pdfDownload
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