Addington School



This week's theme is ..... Blue


Music Community Resources Page (click link then login)

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Song of the week

This week our song of the week is 'This Is Me' from the Greatest Showman.  Join in and if you would like your videos to be part of our next VidCast you can WhatApp them to 07823 623558 (this number will not accept calls) or e mail it to us at m-ca@addington.wokingham.sch.uk

Whale Song

Can you use your voice to sing along to the whale song?

Listen to the song.  You could explore different blue fabrics as you listen to it and imagine you are under the sea swimming with the blue whale. The whale song has lots of ooo sounds.  Try and copy the sounds and join in using your voice to sing with the whale.

Sing a Rainbow

Sing and sign along with Sean

Have you seen any rainbows around where you live?  Count how many you see when you go for a walk or a ride in the car.  Why have people got rainbows up in their windows at the moment?

Sing a Rainbow

Mr Tumble singing and signing Sing a Rainbow

Feeling Blue

A song about feeling blue. Can you change between playing slow and fast?

All about the blues

Blues music is a style of music.  Have a look at the video below to find out all about it with Rhona and listen to some examples.

The musicians I included were Bessie Smith, BB King, King Curtis, Jimi Hendrix and Taj Mahal.  You could find some more music by these musicians and put together some research about them.  Try to find out 5 things about each person.

Your challenge this week is to write your own blues piece.  Have a look at the video below to find out how, then complete the worksheet with your words.

 write a blues song 1.docxDownload
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All about the blues

Blues music is a style of music.  Have a look at the video above in Adventurers to find out all about it with Rhona and listen to some examples.  Then watch the Adventurers challenge and start writing your blues piece.  Your super challenge is explained in the video below and there is a worksheet to write down your words.

Click on these links to find the resources you need:

Cell Block Number 9 original song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0qN6EBrhPU (original version) and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1527-HAHsY (blues bros version)

Cell Block Number 9 backing track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkWKy38BuI8

 Write a blues 2.docxDownload
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Last update: 2020-06-16