Addington School


Art at Addington

There are 3 key areas: knowledge and understanding, the 4 C’s (working in 3D and materials) and application of skills. Students explore elements and combinations of each of these areas, every year throughout their time at Addington School. By experiencing a breadth of content in the curriculum, exposure to a variety of cultures, styles and  artists, pupils are able to develop, refine and apply their skills and knowledge using a variety of tools and materials.


Art is taught in KS3, KS4 and KS5 by a specialist Art teacher. 

In the lower school Art is delivered through topic based work. 

Art club, creative activity days and art exhibitions take place throughout the year. 

KS3 Art Overview

Art is delivered as a discrete timetabled subject in Key Stage 3 and taught by a specialist Art teacher in most classes. 

Each term, students in their art lessons explore, practice and build on skills within the each of the key areas of Art and Design. Formal classes are encouraged to develop their ideas through project based work relating to Key Stage 3 topics. 


Key Stage 2

Rowan Class: ROBOTS! 

All classes - Spring Term  

Prop making for the show! 

Key Stage 4 and 5 

The Creative Arts Pathway is the creative curriculum for Key Stage 4 and 5. 

The aims of the Creative Arts Pathway are:

o To further extend students' skills within the arts through specialist lessons that will broaden experiences and techniques

o To give students the opportunity to explore their interests in the arts

o To give students the ability to continue creative interests into adulthood

o For all students to complete Arts Award Bronze and some to complete Arts Award Silver and Gold

Key Stage 4 Arts Award 

Key Stage 4

Stop Motion Project 

Part II 


6th Form Canvas Project 2022 - 23 

An example of Presley's GCSE coursework 

If you would like more information you can contact the Creative Arts team via the school’s telephone number or by email at m-ca@addington.wokingham.sch.uk

Addington School are proud to an Artsmark Champion and hold a Artsmark Platinum Award.

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Last update: 2024-02-09