Addington School

Be Outdoors

P.E Sports Day Challenges Week 1 of 3

This week's theme is .....


30 Days Wild activities will be uploaded on this page... see file and video below in Whole School section.  

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This week's 30 Days Wild Video is below. The activities include looking at the clouds, crafting from nature, writing to your MP, splashing in a puddle and looking out for something unexpected.  Something for everyone!

Take a look at the planner, the craft ideas and this video from David Attenborough which might inspire you to email your MP. 

See the source image -  the date is wrong on the planner in the video - it has been corrected on the downloadable version!

 30 Days Wild 29.06.20.pdfDownload
 30 Days Wild nature craft ideas.docxDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Please try participating in the Egg and Spoon race for sports day. Earn a house point towards the sports day cup total for your house team. Please send all photos and videos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number - 07907040983. Or e-mail us at physical@addington.wokingham.sch.uk or place videos and photos on EARWIG. Enjoy and keep active.

The P.E department


Yoga Claire has put together a wonderful Bird Yoga flow video. Including students from Addington performing the videos. There are also wheelchair movement flows too. Enjoy the flow.

Enjoy following this 'Sticky Kids' warm up song. See if you can move like the animals, particularly the duck.Enjoy and keep active.

Please try participating in the Egg and Spoon race for sports day. Earn a house point towards the sports day cup total for your house team. Please send all photos and videos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number - 07907040983. Or e-mail us at physical@addington.wokingham.sch.uk or place videos and photos on EARWIG. Enjoy and keep active.

The P.E department

Fly the bird to the target throw. Use a toy bird, ball, scrunched up paper, sock or beanbag. Using different types of throws, try to fly the bird/object to the homemade target. Beige= 2 points, blue=5 points & red = 10 points. Move further away from the target as you get better and better. You will earn a house point for every activity you participate in which will count towards the final spots day cup total. Please send videos and photos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number (07907040983)so we can allocate points and put a whole school video together. Enjoy and give it a try.

Line jumping for sports day challenge. You can choose to jump in different ways back and forth or side to side over a line or target (fluffy toy birds). See how many jumps you can do in 30 seconds. Try it again and better your score. You will earn a house point for every activity you participate in which will count towards the final spots day cup total. Please send videos and photos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number (07907040983)so we can allocate points and put a whole school video together. Enjoy and give it a try.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes jumping for sports day challenge. Lie down and let a parent or sibling draw a chalk outline around you or get one of them to lie down. Using the standing long jump technique see how far you can jump (use the chalk outline to see how far you have jumped). Jump 3 times and see which one is your best jump. You will earn a house point for every activity you participate in which will count towards the final spots day cup total. Please send videos and photos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number (07907040983)so we can allocate points and put a whole school video together. Enjoy and give it a try.

Please try participating in the Egg and Spoon race for sports day. Earn a house point towards the sports day cup total for your house team. Please send all photos and videos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number - 07907040983. Or e-mail us at physical@addington.wokingham.sch.uk or place videos and photos on EARWIG. Enjoy and keep active.

The P.E department

Feed the birds throw for sports day. Use a toy bird, ball, scrunched up paper, sock or beanbag. Using different types of throws, try to throw the object to feed the birds. If your object hits a bird you have fed them and you score one point. Move further away from the target as you get better and better. You will earn a house point for every activity you participate in which will count towards the final spots day cup total. Please send videos and photos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number (07907040983)so we can allocate points and put a whole school video together. Enjoy and give it a try.

Please try participating in the Standing Long Jump, Ball Chest Push and Egg Toss for sports day. Earn a house point towards the sports day cup total for your house team. Please send all photos and videos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number - 07907040983. Or e-mail us at physical@addington.wokingham.sch.uk or place videos and photos on EARWIG. Enjoy and keep active.

The P.E department

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