Easter Fun Day in Woodley
Please see attached poster about an Easter Fun Day being held in Woodley on 19th April.
ERIC - Bowel and Bladder Charity
ERIC the Bowel and Bladder Charity offers advice on toileting and potty training.
Easter Activities
Together One Step at a time are offering Easter activities for young children with SEND.
Promise Inclusion February Newsletter
Please click here to view the February Newsletter from Promise Inclusion.
Kidz to Adultz Website
Please click here to view information on the Kidz to Adultz Website.
FACE - Family Advice Sessions
Please click here to view information about sessions for parents being run by FACE; some of these sessions are free but others have fees chargeable.
Reading Cygnets Swimming Club
Please click here to view a flyer about Reading Cygnets Swimming Club which is open to swimmers with a learning disability from the age of 7 upwards.
Sport In Mind
Sport in Mind are running sporting activities for children and young people aged 10-16. Please click the following links for more information: Woodley timetable, Wokingham timetable.
ME2 Club
Me2 Club is an inclusion charity for children and young people with additional needs and disabilities in the Wokingham and Reading Boroughs. Our purpose is to tackle the social isolation and loneliness experienced by children not being able to access mainstream leisure activities.
We support children and young people aged 5-19 to take part in mainstream activities by recruiting and training volunteers to ‘buddy’ 1:1 with them so they can join in and have fun. These activities could include; swimming lessons, gymnastics, uniform groups, sports clubs or drama. The cost of the activity is covered by parents/carers but support from a volunteer is free of charge to families. An activity must be set up before you can register with us. No formal diagnosis is required to receive our service, if they need a bit of extra support, we can help!
To complete our registration form and for more information visit our website
Yellow Days
Please click here to read a flyer from Yellow Days who describe themselves as a "'Deliveroo for children's activities' with over 70 activities available for parents to book in the area".
Local Leisure Clubs
Please click here to view a list of Local Leisure Clubs
AFC Henley Disability Football
Please click here to go to the AFC Henley website to view information about Disability Football sessions and more.
2nd Woodley Scout Group
The 2nd Woodley Scout Group have vacancies for new members. Please click here to read about the group and their new outside space.
First Days Children's Charity
Please click here to read information from First Days Children's Charity about what they offer and here to read a poster about their coffee club.
Autism Eye Website
Please click here to go to the Autism Eye website to view their latest articles.
SEN sessions at Arborfield Leisure Centre
Please click here to view a flyer about SEN sessions being held at Arborfield Leisure Centre.
All About Health Website
Please click here to go to an easy read website "All About Health" created by Oxfordshire Family Support Network.
New Digital Mental Health Service Launches for Young People Across Berkshire West
The Tellmi app will be made available to all 11-17 year olds (up to their 18th birthday) living and studying in Reading, West Berkshire And Wokingham. Please click here for further information.
Moving into Adulthood information
Oxfordshire Family Support service have produced an information booklet for parents of young people with SEND aged 14-25 years.
Berkshire Adult Autism Support Service
Please click here for information about the Berkshire Adult Autism Support Service.
Golf Lessons
Please click here for information about golf lessons for young people with SEND aged 8-21 years.
Carers Partnership
Please click here to view a flyer from Reading & West Berkshire Carers Partnership (Formerly TuVida) who offer information, advice and support services for family carers in Reading and West Berkshire.
Free SEND Cricket sessions
Please click here to view a poster about free SEND cricket sessions in Woodley and here to view a poster about sessions in Maidenhead.
Reading Toy Library
Reading Toy Library is now open, please click here for details.
"Our House" Youth Club
Please click here for information about "Our House" in Wokingham which is a charity which offers activities for children and young people with SEND, including a free to attend Youth Club.