Addington School

Be Outdoors

P.E Sports Day Challenges Week 2 of 3

 This week's theme is .....


The P.E department would love for you to participate in a fun P.E whole school video (the toilet paper toss challenge). It is fun, quick to make and send and accessible to all. The video below explains what you need to do and then gives a sample of what the video would look like. Enjoy and have fun. 

Please can you whattsapp the video to the Addington P.E number (07907040983). Please can we have all videos by the 15th of July so we have time to edit it and send it out. Let's see if we can get as many Addington staff, students and parents as possible. Please remember to fill in the google form, unless you already have, (sent out a few months ago) giving us permission for your child to appear in the video.
Kind regards.
Mel, Danny and Ian
The Addington P.E department
Click below to quickly go to the right colour


This is a promotional video for the exciting and fun activity called speed cup stacking. This will be an activity that happens next week, but we wanted to give you a chance to purchase the cups. They are specially designed so they don't stick. Join the challenge. The P.E Team

Weekly Virtual Sports Day Challenges

Week 2 theme – THE SEA - sports day activity challenges


Complex Needs





Chair Yoga Flow

‘Sticky Kids’ I travelled over land and sea’ warm up

Jump the stream

Run & Jump

How far now



Welly throw

Welly Throw

Frisbee Golf

Bottle flip


Water race

Water race

Water race

Water race

WHOLE SCHOOL VIDEO (Staff & Students)

P.E toilet roll toss video

P.E toilet roll toss video

P.E toilet roll toss video

P.E toilet roll toss video

30 Days Wild activities will be uploaded on this page... see file and video below in Whole School section.  

 30 Days Wild 06.07.20.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Links for 30 Days Wild - Parental supervision recommended


Click here to find out about the pledge you can take to help insects.

Click here for the 30 Days Wild FaceBook page - please be careful and polite on social media

Click here for Wildlife trusts Kids and Families webpage

Yoga Claire has put together a Chair Yoga Flow. The flow includes:
1. Cow
2. Cat
3.Side stretch
4. Twist
5. Forward Stretch
6. Eagle
7. Hip stretch
8. Leg Stretch

Give each pose a try and practise YOGA every day. Namaste.

Please send your photos and videos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number (07907040983) so we can assign you a house point for sports day and so you can star in our sports day video. 

Enjoy a traditional game of skittles. If you don't have any skittles at home you can make them with plastic bottles and add rice/sand or water. Students in wheelchairs can use a drain pipe or piece of wood to place the ball on to make a ramp down to the skittles. Enjoy

Please send your photos and videos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number (07907040983) so we can assign you a house point for sports day and so you can star in our sports day video. 

Water race enjoy soaking a sponge then picking it up and wheeling, walking or running to the bottle/container to squeeze all the water out. Try to fill the container as quickly as possible or have a race against someone else or a team. Have FUN.

The P.E department

Enjoy following this 'Sticky Kids' warm up song pretending to be an explorer travelling over land and sea.

P.E Team

Please send your photos and videos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number (07907040983) so we can assign you a house point for sports day and so you can star in our sports day video. 

Throwing - use a wellington boot or shoe and see how far you can toss it using different throws. This is part of your week 2 of sports day challenges. Enjoy.

Water race enjoy soaking a sponge then picking it up and wheeling, walking or running to the bottle/container to squeeze all the water out. Try to fill the container as quickly as possible or have a race against someone else or a team. Have FUN. The P.E department.

Try Frisbee Golf with either a Frisbee or plastic plate in your garden or park. See how many holes you can set up and keep score at every hole. If this is not possible, then you can learn how to throw a Frisbee at a partner. Enjoy and stay active. The P.E department

Please send your photos and videos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number (07907040983) so we can assign you a house point for sports day and so you can star in our sports day video. 

Throwing - use a wellington boot or shoe and see how far you can toss it using different throws. This is part of your week 2 of sports day challenges. Enjoy.

Water race enjoy soaking a sponge then picking it up and wheeling, walking or running to the bottle/container to squeeze all the water out. Try to fill the container as quickly as possible or have a race against someone else or a team. Have FUN.

The P.E department.

Enjoy trying the popular bottle flip challenge. Practice and see how many you can land. Check out the YouTube video below this one. Have fun. The P.E team

Click on the link below to watch amazing bottle flip tricks - DUDE PERFECT


Please send your photos and videos to the Addington P.E Whattsapp number (07907040983) so we can assign you a house point for sports day and so you can star in our sports day video. 

Water race enjoy soaking a sponge then picking it up and wheeling, walking or running to the bottle/container to squeeze all the water out. Try to fill the container as quickly as possible or have a race against someone else or a team. Have FUN. The P.E department.

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