Numbers - Explorers - Shapes in your home
In this activity, you will explore, find and label 2D and/or 3D shapes in your homes. 2D shapes are flat, with only width and height, and strictly speaking can't be picked up. On the other hand, 3D shapes have width, height and depth so they can be picked up (so long as they're not attached or stuck down!).
Click here to watch Katie's shape themed Attention Autism (Bucket) Session
Activity 1: Play with Shapes
Have a look a the photos below for some play ideas to explore different 2D shapes. You can use a tea tray or cardboard box if you don't have a large black tray as shown in the photos. Your child's class teacher would love to see photos of your play with shapes. As your child plays, it would be great if an adult could talk to your child about the shapes they are creating and making and model different ways to play with the resources. There are some documents below to support your child's sensory play.
Activity 2: The Shape Song with Mister Maker
CBeebies' Mister Maker sings the shape song in every episode which you can watch below. Whilst he's been at home, Mister Maker has had to start singing the song himself and you can watch him do it in every episode of Mister Maker At Home on BBC iPlayer. You might like to make some of the shapes that Mister Maker makes at home too. You can also watch the second video below to learn the shape dance!
Activity 3: House and Homes using shapes
The resources below will help you to explore the shape you can see on the outside of our houses and homes.
Activity 4: 2D Shape Hunt
In this activity, you will search for 2D shapes in your home. You can download the powerpoint below to see the shapes that Megan has found in her home. The cut and stick activity and the real world examples may give you some ideas of where to find some 2D shapes for yourself!
Activity 5: 3D Shape Hunt
Now it's time to search for some 3D shapes in your home. Use the powerpoint below to get some ideas about which shapes to hunt for! When you find some 3D shapes, see if you can roll them or slide them? The posters below may give you some ideas of where to look for some 3D shapes in and around your home...