Addington School

Maths - Explorers -  Spring Maths

Daffodil Counting Rhyme

 Daffodils finger action rhyme.pdfDownload
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Activity 1: Spring Counting/ Sensory Maths 

  • Can you count all the spring pictures using the worksheet below? How many are there? Have a go at writing the numbers in the box. 
  • Why not set up a sensory tray, you could use seeds, or soil. Use different containers to scoop different amounts into containers. 


 Spring Counting.pdfDownload
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Activity 2: Spring Flowers Counting 

First, watch the video of Rachel counting the daffodils and putting them into different vases. Do you have any flowers at home that you could do this with? If you don't use the activity sheets below to count the number of spring flowers in the flower pot. Can you cut and stick the numicon pieces that match the number of flowers? You could use counters, buttons or even cheerios instead! 

 Number Shape Cut-Outs.pdfDownload
 Spring Flowers Number Shape Count and Match Activity.pdfDownload
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Activity 3: I Spy and Count

Use the checklist to count the different number of spring pictures. Can you write down the correct number on the checklist? 

 Checklist and Count to 10.pdfDownload
 Checklist and Count to 20.pdfDownload
 I Spy and Count to 10.pdfDownload
 I Spy and Count to 20.pdfDownload
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Activity 4: I Spy and Add to 10

Count the number of spring objects you can see. Once you have counted them, can you add different groups together? Follow the instructions on the checklist. 

 Spring I Spy and Add to 10 Checklist.pdfDownload
 Spring I Spy and Add to 10.pdfDownload
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Activity 5: Addition to 20

Watch the video of Rachel doing some addition sums using Daffodils. Can you think of your own addition sums that you could do at home? Write the answers in flour, shaving foam or dried rice!

Then you might like to try the activity below - Count the groups of objects and then add them together. 

 Spring Addition to 20.pdfDownload
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Activity 6: Spring Subtraction

Use the number lines on the activity sheet to complete the subtraction sentences. Can you make your own subtraction sums and use real objects to work out the answer. Here's Rachel's subtraction sums that you could recreate at home!


 Spring Subtraction from 10.pdfDownload
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Activity 7: Spring Colour by Number

Use the number key in the corner of the colouring pages to identify what colours to use. Can you find all the numbers in the picture and colour them in the correct colour?

 Spring Colour by Numbers.pdfDownload
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Activity 8: Number formation

Practice your number writing with these Number formation activities. 

 Number formation 0-10.pdfDownload
 Number formation 0-20.pdfDownload
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Activity 9: Flower Fingerprint Counting

Add the correct number of petals to each flower using the number in the middle. You could use fingerprints, dried pasta pieces, draw your own petals or use buttons. 

 Flower Petal Counting.pdfDownload
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