Addington School

Maths - Explorers - Chinese New Year


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Watch this interactive PowerPoint about sequencing numbers, with a focus on sequencing the animals that were racing in the Chinese New Year Story!

There is also a poster and animal cards that you can print and cut out to sequence the animals correctly from 1-12!

 Animal Cards.pdfDownload
 Poster 2xA4.pdfDownload
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Have a go at these Chinese New Year themed counting activities! There is a count by numbers activity, counting up to 5, and some counting worksheets, counting up to 10 and then 20!

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Have a go at this repeating patterns worksheet with a Chinese New Year theme! If you need some help with repeating patterns follow this link for some more videos and activities focusing on repeating patterns: https://addington.schooljotter2.com/pupil-pages/home-learning-20-21-new/explorers-1-1/story-explorers-2-1-1-2/how-many-bubbles-1-2-1 

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Have a go at this Shape dragon activity. Cut out all the shapes (you may need some help with that!) and then have a go at copying the picture to stick them all in the right place. What shapes have you used to make your dragon?