Addington School

Story - Adventurers - WB - 08.02.01 - Lesson 1

This week it's Chinese New Year! Happy Year of the Ox.

Watch the video below to see Emily asking her dad all your questions about Chinese New Year. There's a quiz after the video, so you can see how much you have learnt afterwards! It is quite a long video so you may like to watch it in several parts. 

Scroll past the interview and quiz to go to Lesson 1 with Jules.

Now test your Chinese New Year knowledge with a quiz!

 Quiz about Chinese New Year symbols version.docxDownload
 Quiz about Chinese New Year.docxDownload
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Lesson 1 
Watch the video below:

Now you have watched the video have a go at one of the activities -


Task C - Place the animals in the order they come in the race


Task B - Write one or two sentences about the two pictures from the race


Task A - Write one or two sentences about the four pictures from the race


Remember, if you don't want to write you can video yourself speaking your sentences from one of the activities.


Upload your work to Earwig for your teachers to see!

Here's the PowerPoint for you to use -

 Lesson One PowerPoint.pdfDownload
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Below are the activities and word cards -

 L1 Task C.pdfDownload
 L1 TaskA.pdfDownload
 L1 TaskB.pdfDownload
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