Addington School

Story - Adventurers - Literacy Lesson 1 w/b - 18.01.21


Watch the lesson introduction

Now watch this video to see what ingredients we find

Have a go at one of these activities;

Have a look in your food drawer/cupboard to see what ingredients you have in there that you could use to flavour a chocolate bar with?



C – Take a photo of the ingredients that you've found that you're going to use in your chocolate bar.

B - Make a list of the ingredients that you're going to use in your chocolate bar (You could print and use the sheet below to write on, or just use plain paper)

A – Write a description of your chocolate bar, use the word card below to help you. (You could print and use the sheet below to write on, or just use plain paper)


Extra Challenge Activity - Have a go at making your chocolate bar (See video below)

 activity A - lesson 1 - Literacy - w.b. 18.01.21.pdfDownload
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 Word card for describing chocolate.pdfDownload
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 activity B - lesson 1 - Literacy - w.b. 18.01.21.pdfDownload
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Challenge Activity

Have a go at making your own chocolate bar!

Watch the video on how to do it.