Explore - Adventurers - activity 15 - Regrowing Vegetables
Download the Regrowing vegetables instructions at the bottom of this page. There is a lesson plan for adults (optional).
With the help of an adult, cut the vegetables and place them in a sunny spot to grow.
Check your vegetables every day.
Can you see any new growth?
What is growing - the shoots, leaves or roots?
You can record changes to your vegetables by drawing pictures or taking photos.
You can use a ruler to measure the height of growth each day.
There are 3 more activities to choose from.
Activity A is the most challenging, Activity C is the easiest.
Activity A - Farming vegetables - where do your vegetables come from? Cut and stick the events in the right order.
Activity B - Plants need light, water and soil. Use these words to complete the sentences.
Activity C - Sort the fruit and vegetable pictures into those that grow above and those that grow below the ground.