Addington School

Explore - Adventurers - activity 10 - Fun with Cabbages


Adult supervision required please.  Avoid using potentially harmful detergents. 


This is my favourite science experiment!  You will learn how to make potions or playdough of different colours. 


Activity A

Follow the instructions to make blue or pink red cabbage play dough. 

Activity B

Download and follow the 'red cabbage water experiment' instructions below.

Remember to label your clear jars or glasses with the ingredients you have added to the red cabbage water.

Activity C

Follow the same instructions for the red cabbage water experiment and then match the colours you make to the pH chart


NB  You can make yellow with red cabbage water and a bit of anti bac spray - you will need to wait a while for the colour change to take effect.  

 Activities B C red-cabbage-science-experiment.pdfDownload
 Activity A blue-red-cabbage-playdough-recipe.pdfDownload
 Activity A pink-red-cabbage-playdough-recipe.pdfDownload
 Activity C ph-colour-chart.pdfDownload
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