Addington School

Creative - Tingalayo

Listen and join in with 'Tingalayo' in the video with Rhona below.  

Make your own percussion instrument

You can make a musical instrument to play along with our Calypso piece. 

To create a simple shaker you can find a pot with a lid and explore the different sounds of putting different things inside such as small stones or rice.  Choose your favourite sound.

Create your own guiro (scraper) by finding some bumpy surfaces and using a spoon to rub up and down.  Explore how using wooden and metal spoons change the sound.

Create you own drum by exploring different sounds by tapping different (non breakable) items, such as pots and pans, plastic tubs, cushions, carpets, floor tiles etc. Find which sounds are loud and which are quiet and choose the one you prefer.


If you are feeling more adventurous there are some lovely instrument making ideas below.  You may need an adult to help when using the sharp tools to punch holes.

Make your instrument and then be ready for more calypso!

Use your instrument to play along with Tingalayo!

Here are some more videos of Tingalayo.  Watch them and sing and play along!

In the first one you will hear some steel pans, which are a popular instrument for calypso.

In this version of the song you can hear a calypso band, with a drum kit, bass, guitar, keyboard and a horn section (saxophone, trumpet and trombone).  This is the sort of band you may hear in a calypso tent, which is a traditional music event bringing lots of calypso musicians together to perform.  There is one every year in Reading!

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Last update: 2020-10-05