Addington School

Family Fun - Adventurers - activity 13

Spring Scavenger Hunt


Now that we are in March we are starting to see signs of Spring!

It's still a little early for butterflies but there are lots of spring flowers coming through.

So, let's get outside and look out for snowdrops, daffodils, crocuses and buds on trees!

Snowdrops - Thorp Perrow  Daffodils: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Daffodil Flowers | The Old  Farmer's Almanac    11 of the Best Crocus Varieties for Your Garden | Gardener's Path     Photo 2. nectarine bud early spring - free printable photos - Img 11029.



There are 3 great ways to do a Spring Scavenger Hunt.

  1. Take photos of as many signs of Spring as you can
  2. Print out the Spring scavenger hunt checklist and tick of those that you find
  3. Go on a colour walk - find something in nature for each colour of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. 



 Colour walk.pdfDownload
 Spring Scavenger Hunt checklist.pdfDownload
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