Addington School

W/B 22.2.21 - Looking after a pet: Cats

Activity A - look at the PowerPoint all about looking after cats. Then try the quiz to see how much you have learnt.


Activity B - look at the PowerPoint all about looking after cats. Then try the quiz to see how much you have learnt. (This is a simpler, symbol + text version). 


Activity C - watch the video below to find out about some things cats need. Then using the sorting sheet, sort pictures of things that cats do need and things that cats don't need! 


Extra activity - if you have a pet cat, post a photo on Earwig or send a photo to your class email, of you doing something to look after your cat! Maybe a photo of you feeding it, playing with it or simply stroking it! 

If you don't have a cat, then imagine what your cat would look like if you had one. Would it be black, or ginger, or tabby? What would you call your cat? 

 Activity A Cat quiz.pptDownload
 Activity A How-to-look-after-cats.pptDownload
 Activity B Cat quiz.pptDownload
 Activity B How-to-look-after-cats.pptxDownload
 Activity C Looking after cats_sorting activity.pdfDownload
 Activity C Looking after cats_sorting activity.pubDownload
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Activity C: Watch this video until 12:22. It tells you about different things that cats need to be healthy and well. Then try the sorting activity.