Addington School

Maths - Pioneers - activity 16 - Pictograms and line graphs


You need to be able to understand pictograms and graphs.

There are 3 different activities to choose from.  

The easiest is Activity A, then Activity B, and Activity C is the hardest. 

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to download the worksheets.

You can email Julie at maths@addington.wokingham.sch.uk if you get stuck. 


Activity A

This is an activity about pictograms.  You will need to be able to count up in 2s.  


Activity B

This is a slightly harder pictogram activity about numbers of people who visit the library.  You will need to be able to count up in 5s and 10s. 


Activity C

This is the most challenging activity and is about line graphs. You will practise how to read a temperature chart. 

You will also use a graph that converts amounts of money from pounds to euros, and euros to pounds. This is useful if you go to another country like France, and want to know how many pounds are the same as an amount in euros. 

e.g. If you buy something in France that costs 40 euros, it will be the same as £30 in the UK. 


Pound to Euro Selling Intensifies as Brexit Fears Return - Pound Sterling  Forecast

 Activity A Interpreting-Pictograms-Activity-Sheets.pdfDownload
 Activity B Extracting-info-from-pictograms.pdfDownload
 Activity C line-graph.pdfDownload
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