Addington School

Maths & Cognition



We are a community committed to excellence and the development of the potential of all.

Our Maths and Cognition curriculum intends to provide a sequential Maths programme of learning which progresses in small steps and equips all pupils with the relevant and appropriate mathematical and cognitive skills they require in life both now and in the future. Our approach aims to foster a positive mind set in relation to learning and logical problem solving skills.  The subject should be a source of interest and enjoyment, not anxiety or boredom.

The Addington mathematical curriculum aims to equip pupils to:

  • Develop cognitive abilities, e.g. attention, perception, memory and problem solving
  • Understand and use mathematical language and notation
  • Use practical, mental, written and calculator numeracy skills with fluency, accuracy and efficiency
  • Prepare for adulthood (particularly in the area of financial awareness)
  • Develop an awareness of time and apply to real life
  • Understand numerical data presented in different forms
  • Use measures in everyday activities
  • Gain employer recognised accreditation in Maths

Our Maths provision in Early Years (including KS1) seeks to prepare pupils for learning, engage pupils in learning and prepare them for learning in whichever KS2 pathway is appropriate for them (sensory, semi formal or formal Maths and Cognition learning). Schemes of Work which have been developed with reference to the National Curriculum and linked to White Rose Maths are used by those classes which transition into KS2.  Mathematical language acquisition is key in Early Years, and provides pupils with the vocabulary they need to continue developing their Maths skills and knowledge in KS2. 

Our Maths provision in KS2 seeks to build on the knowledge and skills secured in Early Years and enable pupils to apply their Maths skills in every day life.

In KS3 our curriculum seeks to build on developing fluency, reasoning and problem solving as pupils further generalise their application of Maths skills across a wider range of contexts.

Our Maths provision in KS4 and 5 aims to develop independence in application of Maths in preparation for adulthood.  In addition, some pupils will gain employer recognised accreditation.  Pupils will develop a sense of financial awareness that will enable them to manage their money,  More formal pupils will develop financial decision making skills, know how to stay safe in relation to money and understand money in the world of work


Our learners have unique learning styles and require a personalised and aspirational Maths and Cognition curriculum in which content is revisited and spaced in order to build confidence and enable progress.  Teaching areas support mathematical learning by being well resourced with games, manipulatives (Numicon), and other resources relevant to the abilities and learning needs of pupils.  A range of different number rich environments both inside and outside are used to maximise mathematical development, e.g. sand, soft play, playgrounds etc. Teaching and learning of Maths skills happens through repetition, play and exploration, through topics and themes, across the whole curriculum and through explicit teaching in discrete and sequentially planned Maths lessons as appropriate to the needs of the individual learners. 

Early Years (including KS1)

Complex Sensory Needs

Middle School (KS2 and KS3)

Upper School (KS4 and KS5)

Waldon framework - levels 1-3

Early Years framework - spiral cycle of strands and schemes of work built upon:

  • Sequential progress drives from Little Big Maths (for Amounts and Number strands)
  • Knowledge skills and play based activities taken from White Rose Maths for all strands including Number and number patterns, Time, Money, Shape, Measures and Position

Waldon framework - levels 1-3

Cognition focused curriculum:


·interaction with objects,

·objects of reference,


·sensory stories,




Semi formal and Formal Schemes of Work for:

Amounts (semi formal learners, Little Big Maths)

Number (Little Big Maths and Big Maths)






·Data (formal learners)



SILSAF curriculum links


Schemes of work for:

Pre Entry level 1 (semi formal learners)

·Entry level 1, 2, 3

·Level 1, 2


Some pupils may follow a GCSE Maths programme


Financial Capability Programme (currently in development - ready for full roll out September 2022)







What is the Waldon Approach, and why do we use it?

Waldon is an integrated therapeutic approach based on the work of Geoffrey Waldon, a paediatric neurologist who developed a system of ideas and play activities to help those with autistic like behaviours, autism, developmental delay and / or communication difficulties to learn how to learn.


What is Big Maths, and why do we use it?

Big Maths (and Little Big Maths) is a rigorous, systematic and structured approach to learning Amounts and Number skills.  At Addington, teachers use the progress drives in Big Maths to help them plan next steps for pupils, and guidance is provided to teachers on how to teach each step, thereby ensuring consistency in methods across the school. 


What is White Rose Maths and how does Addington use it?

White Rose Maths provides schools with Maths resources and schemes of work across all strands of Maths.  At Addington we are working towards incorporating White Rose Maths into our Early Years Schemes of Work for those classes which transition into KS2.  White Rose Maths provides pupils with opportunities to develop mathematical language and to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills.

NB We do not follow the White Rose Maths long term plan which teaches blocks of Maths topics, but instead incorporate topics into a spaced and spiral curriculum plan, ensuring that pupils revisit areas of Maths frequently throughout the year and store more learning in their long term memory.


What is Functional Skills Maths?

Functional Skills are qualifications that have been designed by the UK government as part of an initiative to improve England's literacy, numeracy and ICT skills.  They cover the fundamental skills that people need for their personal and working lives. These qualifications are recognised by colleges and employers. 

As part of the Upper School pathways we offer the following Pearson Edexcel Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics:

Entry Level 1

Entry level 2

Entry Level 3

Level 1 

Level 2


What is Doodlemaths and why do we use it?

Doodlemaths is an app that improves pupil confidence and ability in Maths.  It works by identifying a pupil's level, strengths and weaknesses, and gradually progressing pupils at a rate that is right for them.  Pupils can access this free to download app at home or school on a desktop, mobile or tablet device.   Pupils require login details which are available from their class teacher. 

Teachers are able to login to Doodlemaths in order to monitor pupil engagement and progress. 


What is Numicon, and why do we use it?

Numicon is a multisensory resource that helps pupils to see the connections between numbers.


What is Spending Sense and why do we use it?

Spending Sense is a financial capability resource for learners with SEN needs.  Developing personal money skills is a crucial gateway towards independence, enabling young people to achieve key milestones such as paying for goods themselves, managing a budget and saving for the future.  Importantly, it can also help safeguard against financial risks - from not receiving the correct change through to falling victim to fraud or identity theft.  Research shoes that young people and adults with SEN needs are particularly vulnerable to financial crime, and developing financial capability and awareness is one step that can be taken to mitigate against this. 

At Addington we are preparing implementation of this programme in Upper School which will launch in September 2022. 


What is Earwig?

Earwig Academic is a software package specialising in SEND assessment.  It enables teachers to track pupil progress against assessment statements, and to create a timeline of a pupil's work through the capture of annotated photo and video evidence. 


What are PLPs?

Personalised Learning Plans contain achievable and relevant targets for each pupil and are designed to be achieved over a short period of time and then updated with the next steps for that pupil. PLPs state what progress pupils will make and specify how that target will be achieved.  The level of independence  or adult support is clearly stated. All Addington pupils have at least one target on their PLPs that relates to Maths or Cognition (e.g. Waldon, thinking skills, problem solving).


 Please view documents below for details of:


  • Maths at Addington - an overview of the subject across the school covering more information on our Intent, Implementation and Impact of the Addington Maths and Cognition curriculum, and including information about home learning 


  • Early Years Schemes of Work - new for September 2022 (SOWs for Weight, Capacity and Position to be uploaded soon)


  • Middle School Schemes of Work
  • Current Middle School Cycle of Strands
  • Middle School Cycle of Strands - new for September 2022


  • Functional Skills overview
  • Functional Skills Schemes of Work Pre Entry level 1Entry level 1 - Level 1


  • Spending Sense - Upper School Financial Capability Scheme of Work and programme resources - new for September 2022


  • The Maths and Cognition policy is available via the link at the bottom of this page. 


Showing 1-1 of 1

Early Years Amounts and Key Number Skills

 Subtraction Learning Steps and Activities.docxDownload
Showing 11-11 of 11

Early Years Maths Strands

Showing 1-4 of 4

Middle School KS2 and KS3

Showing 1-9 of 9

Functional Skills Maths KS4 KS5

Showing 1-6 of 6

Financial Awareness

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