Addington School

Oliver's Vegetables

Listen to the story Oliver's Vegetables, read by Lydia below. 

Afterwards, have a go at sequencing the story using the file 'Oliver's Vegetables Sequence the Story' attached below. Symbols are spread across three pages, including days of the week, the vegetable that Oliver found on each day, and if he made anything with the vegetables. Sequence some or all of the symbols to retell the story, using the story map image to help. Alternatively, have a go at drawing your own story map.

After sequencing the story, have a go at making your own version using the file 'Recreate the Story Oliver's Vegetables'. You can choose, by circling or pointing, a fruit that Oliver might find, and if he uses it to make a yummy treat!

For a further extension, have a go at writing a sentence from your new story.


You also might like to learn some Vegetable Makaton signs too - see the video below! 

Enjoy a song all about vegetables too. 

 Oliver's Vegetables Story Sequencing.pdfDownload
 Recreate the Story Oliver's Vegetables.pdfDownload
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The Vegetables Song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE5tvaveVak


Singing Hands: Vegetable Signs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp0jFLJPWEg