Addington School


Can you make your boat float? Who can win the race? 

One of the many ways for building fine motor skills and creativity is by using Origami. Origami is a great option for children who have already been working on fine motor skills or have progressed further with their skills and may be interested in trying something new.

In school we made origami boats and played with them in the puddles in the playground. The kids enjoyed choosing the colour card for their boats and were very excited to put the boats they had made in the puddle. The children loved watching the boats float in the puddle and had fun racing them.

See below the video tutorials on how to make a paper fish and a boat -


  • Build fine motor skills
  • Follow an adult model
  • Build role play skills
  • Create different objects 
  • Turn taking
  •  Follow instructions

Please send in any photos/videos to your class teachers if you do decide to do some recreations as we would love to see them!